PLLUSS is a person-centred whole approach designed to enable students to learn functional skills and experience a range of activities in settings where they are comfortable and relaxed. If students are calm and relaxed there is a reduction in inappropriate behaviour and greater opportunities for learning.
PLLUSS allows students to experience a waking day curriculum with learning beginning when they wake up, developing their self -help skills of washing and dressing. They then continue to learn across the six areas throughout the day with continuing opportunities in the evening. The PLLUSS curriculum is intent on building individual life skills to allow the young person to live as independent as possible and experience a rich quality of life.

Waking Day Curriculum
Learning takes place throughout the waking day with staff using all activities as a vehicle to extend the learning of each child in the school. The day is shaped to help each child to deal with their sensory processing needs. Timetables are built so that there are regular sensory activities throughout the day to allows the child to remain calm and focused and more ready to learn.

Child-Centred Learning
We are committed to child-centred learning. In order to create a timetable that meets the needs of the child we build an understanding about the child’s preferred learning and then base the PLLUSS curriculum for each child around their preferred learning activities and preferred learning styles.

Sessions offered continuously within the house timetables include:

Pupil Premium
We are committed to supporting students who are eligible for and receive Pupil Premium by identifying each of the student’s individual needs and using the Pupil Premium to fund items and activities to meet these needs.
As each student has a personalised learning programme based on their needs, allocated funding is used to help develop their learning skills especially communication and leisure opportunities which help to enhance their quality of life and prepare them for adulthood.
The students who receive Pupil Premium funding have been able to benefit from a range of different opportunities (personalised technological equipment, specialist equipment for Duke of Edinburgh Award trips, holidays, therapeutic programmes such as music therapy, osteopathy and extra physical activities in the community.) All students receiving funding show that they have made progress in their annual reviews.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
We offer our students opportunities to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development across our waking day curriculum. The school fosters the spirit of learning by making the educational journey for all, one which is fun, enjoyable and develops a fascination, awe and wonder about themselves, others, and the world around them. Students have daily access to the school’s Tranquility Garden and partake in a number of visits which include places of culture and faith.
Relationships and Sex Education
RSE will be delivered through a whole-school approach. Key messages will be reinforced throughout daily activities by all staff. Pupils will learn from the way staff react in everyday situations and interactions. Our RSE focuses on:
- Personal care and hygiene – skills being taught throughout their daily care routines
- Body changes (puberty)
- Appropriate sexualised behaviour understanding the need to keep parts of the body covered and tolerance of wearing clothing to maintain dignity, appropriate touch including appropriate greetings, and the need for privacy.
Vocational and Careers Education
Work-related learning is divided into three core areas:
- Activities linked to community-based vocational work: supporting in the paddocks, delivering the local community magazine, recycling, litter picking in the community.
- Activities helping with school-based work: juice bar, tuck shop, café.
- Mini enterprise schemes: running and organising the Loddon Shop, growing, and selling produce from the horticulture site, and mini-bus washing.
Within key stage 2 and 3 pupils will learn about people who work in different careers especially those who help them or vocations that they will meet in their daily life.
It is acknowledged that our pupils are unlikely to live totally independent adult lives so we focus on the life skills they need to make a fulfilled life and to develop self-occupancy skills and the ability to volunteer and work in community-based projects.