Meals and Healthy Living
For children who have sensory sensitivities and can be picky eaters, food choice is critical. We encourage our children to explore new foods within their own control. We then gradually expand the variety of food they will eat in a gentle, non-threatening way. Children have lots of opportunities to grow, harvest, touch, smell, cook, choose and taste their food.
To embed this in the school, we have a Healthy Living Group made up of staff from our health, care, horticulture, catering, therapy, and teaching teams. Our aim is to develop a healthy attitude towards exercise and to expose our children to a wider variety of fresh, healthy, and balanced meals and snack options.
We are part of the Food for Life Schools Award to show how our school provides healthy school meals, involves the children in doing brilliant work to grow produce, offers great choices and food education that has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of our children.
We have a main kitchen led by our catering manager and assisted by a team of cooks. The catering manager also helps the houses to cook some meals as our students learn how to live more independently.