
Loddon Training Courses

A whole approach using

We deliver a proactive and therapeutic training model (PROACT-SCIPr-UK®) for professionals and carers of children and adults with complex needs and challenging behaviour.

Our model is based on the real-life delivery of the Loddon Approach pioneered and developed by the Loddon School, which helps staff, parents and carers to deliver a whole person approach that is informed by each individual’s needs.

We operate a structure of certification that allows organisations to develop an in-house training programme of the highest standards.

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First Aid

This course is designed for employees of approved PROACT-SCIPr-UK® organisations as part of their induction programme and is designed to equip them with an awareness of PROACT-SCIPr-UK® the Whole Approach Curriculum.

DURATION: Estimated time for completion – 3 hours
TARGET AUDIENCE: Employees of PROACT-SCIPr-UK® organisations providing support to adults or children with autistic spectrum disorders, intellectual disability, mental health conditions, or dementia.
PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE: There are no pre-requisite knowledge and skills requirements.
On completing the course learners will be able to:
  • Understand the context of PROACT-SCIPr-UK®.
  • Define the terms proactive, active, and reactive.
  • Identify the elements of PROACT-SCIPr-UK® the Whole Approach.
  • Identify Proactive, Active and Reactive strategies within the whole approach.
  • Describe the concept of the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® Gradient.
  • Describe the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® philosophy.
  • Identify where a person’s beliefs, values and attitudes originate.
  • Identify issues within the workplace which may impact upon those receiving support.
  • Identify how a person’s beliefs, values, and attitudes impact upon their performance at work.
  • Define the terms ’Duty of Care’, assault and battery, and false imprisonment.
  • Explain how risk assessment helps professionals to meet a Duty of Care whilst ensuring the progressive development of an individual.
  • Identify strategies to manage risk.
  • State that unforeseen risks of unplanned interventions should be reported, recorded, risk assessed and reviewed.
  • Explain how to raise areas of concern.
  • Understand the importance of knowing the individual.
  • Understand behaviour and challenging behaviour.
  • Identify possible functions of behaviour and how to recognise them.
  • Understand what we mean by Behaviour support and the importance of the Positive Behaviour Support Plan.
  • Understand the elements of PROACT-SCIPr-UK® the Whole Approach and how to implement it.
group of people chatting

First Aid

This course is designed to provide participants with the practical skills and knowledge to enable them to apply the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® approach whilst supporting individuals with challenging behaviour.


DURATION: Minimum of 12 hours taught time usually delivered over two consecutive days
COURSE AIM: Upon completion of the course, participants will have acquired sufficient skills and knowledge to use PROACT-SCIPr-UK® in their practice.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Parents, carers, or professionals who provide support to adults or children with any of the following conditions: autism, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, emotional, behavioural and social difficulties, mental health conditions or dementia.
PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE: There are no pre-requisite requirements for this course. This course is delivered once a training needs analysis is completed.
On completing the course participants will be able to:
  • Identify that behaviour serves a purpose
  • Name the four functions of behaviour
  • Identify the elements of the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® whole approach
  • Identify the health and safety issues associated with the use of audit-based physical interventions
  • Demonstrate competence in the physical interventions taught in a training environment
  • Identify how relevant legislation and guidance influence working practice
  • Describe the difference between behaviour support and behaviour control
  • Identify and define active interventions that will reduce the risk of behaviour escalation
  • Identify proactive, active and reactive strategies as part of the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® whole approach
  • Describe responsibilities when implementing PROACT-SCIPr-UK®


woman smiling, while sitting down

First Aid

This is a mandatory course for qualified PROACT-SCIPr-UK® instructors designed to provide annual refresher, standardisation, and updates. 

COURSE AIM: Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be able to continue to teach PROACT-SCIPr-UK® introductory and foundation courses and support the effective implementation of the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® approach within their organisation.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Qualified PROACT-SCIPr-UK® Instructors who require their 12 month mandatory refresher.
On completing the course participants will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the philosophy by passing a theoretical assessment to the required standard
  • Demonstrate three audit-based interventions, including the key health and safety points and teaching points to the required standard
  • Demonstrate effective presentation skills through the delivery of a timed presentation to the required standard
  • Demonstrate the successful implementation of the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® philosophy through the assessment of a portfolio to the required standard
  • Have an awareness and understanding of all updates in PROACT-SCIPr-UK®, including guidance and legislation and how they will affect the training and implementation of PROACT-SCIPr-UK®. 
woman in some kind of class with their hands up

First Aid

This course is designed for those who are required to teach PROACT-SCIPr-UK® Introductory & Foundation courses to staff within their organisation. 



DURATION: Five days over 6 months comprising of an initial four-day intensive block culminating in a final assessment day at the end of the 6 months.
COURSE AIM: Upon completion of the course, participants will have extended their knowledge of positive behaviour supports based on the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® whole approach curriculum in order to enable them to coach and mentor others within their practice.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Carers or professionals who provide support to adults or children with any of the following conditions: autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, emotional, behavioural and social difficulties, mental health conditions or dementia.
PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE: Participants must have successfully completed a PROACT-SCIPr-UK® introductory & foundation course and at least one annual refresher and hold a relevant Positive Behaviour Support qualification.
On completing the course participants will be able to:
  • Understand that behaviour serves a purpose
  • Name the four functions of behaviour
  • Implement positive behaviour supports as defined in the elements of the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® whole approach curriculum
  • Identify the health and safety and risk assessment associated with the use of audit-based physical interventions
  • Demonstrate competence in the audit based physical interventions taught in a training environment
  • Understand the importance of relevant legislation and guidance to working practice
  • Provide an overview of the key elements of active support and understand how this facilitates learning
  • Discuss the importance of quality assurance
  • Understand the importance of staff support and incident debrief
  • Have a practical understanding of coaching and mentoring and how it supports learning into practice
  • Understand their responsibilities when implementing positive behaviour supports and/or PROACT-SCIPr-UK®
Autism training 2

First Aid

This in house training aims to increase the participant’s awareness of autism and build empathy and understanding about the condition. While theoretical information such as the diagnosis and discovery of autism and key theories such as Theory of Mind and the Triad of Impairments are included, the content focuses on gaining an understanding of the problems that individuals with autism may experience in order to provide a high quality of care.  Practical activities and real examples ensure that this course is closely related to practice, is “user-friendly,” and focused at a practitioner level.

COURSE DATE: 8 December 2021
TARGET AUDIENCE: Organisations, professionals and paid carers who provide support to adults or children with autistic spectrum disorders.
PRE-REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE: There is no pre-requisite of prior knowledge required for this training. 
On completing the course participants will be able to:
  • Identify the key features of autism and how the condition affects an individual, exploring the spectrum of autism
  • Explore the theories underpinning autism including Triad of Impairments and Theory of Mind
  • Identify neurological factors in autism and how these affect thinking and processing (sensory) information and impact upon daily life
  • Analyse the historical approaches to treatment and interventions, comparing how these have influenced current thinking
  • Apply knowledge and understanding to practice to proactively and positively support individuals with ASD
  • Empathise with and understand the condition of autism and adapt the practice to ensure quality of life.  

Loddon Training

Field House Barn, Chineham Lane
Sherborne St John
RG24 9LR

The Loddon Foundation Ltd is a registered charity. Charity Registration Number: 802188 Patron: Her Grace the Duchess of Wellington. Company Registration Number: 02448785 A company, limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales The Loddon Foundation Ltd, Wildmoor Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0JD. PROACT-SCIPr-UK® is the registered trademark of Marion Cornick and used under license by The Loddon Foundation Ltd. The Loddon School®, The PLLUSS Curriculum® and the pathway logo are registered trademarks of The Loddon Foundation Ltd. Powered by Greenpoint Computer Services.

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